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History of HTML

How the internet and HTML have evolved
HTML’s language has evolved six times with revised standards to make site creation more efficient.  HTML 1.0 was the beginning of website development.  Those who used HTML 1.0 had limited abilities.  Basically, 1.o allowed you to put some words on a webpage.  Next, HTML 2.0 introduced additional features and defined core HTML features.  The 2.0 standards gained the interest of more and more people who wanted to improve the appearance of their webpage.
After standardization of HTML 3.0 the old browser you may remember called Netscape navigator introduced some advanced extension tags (proprietary tags and attributes).  This worked very well for Netscape; however, it caused major problems when others tried to replicate these extensions.  This was a major disadvantage for other browsers because they did not display these extensions correctly.  They did determine all future editions of HTML needed to be modular.
The World Wide Web Consortium was developed to keep the advancement of HTML moving in the right direction.  The W3C came out with HTML 3.2 which eliminated the previous disadvantages for users related to the Netscape extensions.  This became the new standard.
HTML 4.0 provided a dramatic change in HTML with increased functionality, attributes, additional tagging capabilities and new presentational language.  The W3C corrected a few minor issues shortly after the release of 4.0 and updated to HTML 4.01.
The start of the 21st century brought on another change by introducing XHTML 1.0 which is a new branch of HTML that includes Extensible Markup Language (XML).  XML branch was a new set of coding requirements for webmasters.  The coding must follow correct procedures in order for user to view the information online.  The W3C got side tracked on this new branch.  Innovative designers and web hackers dissected webpages and browser revealing weaknesses in the XHTML.  In the end HTML 5 was determined to be the appropriate standard for all future standardization.
The beginning of HTML had disadvantages that limited web developers to performing basic operations.  Additional disadvantages were found during each stage of HTML standardization but the tweaks were always fixed.  Each stage of standardization gave developers additional functionality, tagging abilities and many new attributes to use.  Today the average Joe can create simple HTML pages.


Shannon, R. (2012, August 21). The History of HTML. Retrieved from:


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